Monday, November 26, 2012


I can't begin to count the times I have been asked "why". 
"Why are you adopting?"
"Why are you adopting a girl with Down Syndrome?"
"Why do you want more kids when you already have 5." 
Sadly most of these questions come from fellow Christians.  And I just want to say, "Because Christ told all of us to take care of orphans. Because there are childen who may never know what love is this side of Heaven." But that is a little too blunt and so I generally tell a round about story.  Tonight I was on Reece's Rainbow and I just  was blown away by the new arrivals on the sight.  If not for this organization so many people would have no idea what was happening to these rejected children.  Orphans who are not "true" orphans....they have parents out there, who for some reason or another decided they were not worth keeping and gave them away.  How can we not have compassion on the least of these?
This is Zoey
She is six years old!  Yes, you read that right!  And she weighs 10lbs.  Her file is only available through Reece's Rainbow for around 2 months.  My six year old weighs over 40lbs. In fact, I think my daughter weigh over 10 lbs by the time she was 2 wks old. Zoey needs a family. 
This is Bowen
This little fellow needs a Mom to hug.  Isn't he just so adorable.  But he is still sitting in an orphanage somewhere because his parents didn't want a child who had missing limbs.
So I dare you...ask me "why?"!

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