Monday, September 16, 2013


Anyone that listens to the news, knows all about the rain and flooding in Colorado.  And guess what! New Mexico happens to be just under that popular state.  We have seen SO much rain this month.  In fact, I am not sure the last time we've had this much summer rain.  It's wonderful and crazy all at the same time.  I am a lover of rain; probably because I live in such a dry place.  There is nothing better than watching crunchy brown grass turn to glorious green. And the only thing better than that is thunder storms.  Love. Them. (Unless they strike by my house and burn out all of the appliances --that is not at all cool.) We live in one of those places where the thunder rumbles against the mountains in a "Man From Snowy River"-ish way. Which in case you haven't watched that movie, well, you should's a good movie...with cool sounding thunder in it.

But best of all are the rainbows!!!  Oh yes, this week has been a week of huge, bright, endless rainbows. 
Why in the world am I talking about rainbows!?! 
Good question.
We had a metaphorical rainbow today! 
We are officially headed to see Olivia in less than a week!! We finally have a court date.  Thanks to a judge who was very good at dragging her feet; we have only a few days to get our bags packed and flights scheduled. I have never dealt with a travel agency before. So I have a lot to learn this week. Apparently it will be a crash course, since I pretty much need get it done by tomorrow. Speaking of crash courses, I am trying to learn a little Polish!  Yep.  Here you go!
Do Widzenia
"good bye"
Have a great week everyone! Oh and if you are into this sort of thing...I have a Olivia Search and Find for you. is in Polish, so unless you know more than I do, you will have no idea what they are talking about. But she's in there (I could tell you where, but what is the fun in that).

1 comment:

  1. I found her! So cute! I didn't get to watch the whole thing yet....too long with the little ones in the other room. :-) I plan to watch the rest later. I love seeing the one eating the chocolate. Chocolate brings a smile to my face too! I'm so excited for you guys and we will be praying that everything goes well for you this week!
