Sunday, August 11, 2013


Today I read something that aggravated me.  And whether my aggravation is founded or not; it was there just the same. So I decided now would be a good time to address this issue. It's called "good old-fashion giving -- aka. charity".

We are only weeks away from hearing when we will travel to go get out little girl. And if you have any idea about adoption at all, you would know that it's expensive. So how in the world did we fund an adoption without a loan?

Is it because we are rich and can afford it?
Is it because I am the world best business woman? (haha)
Is it because adoption has suddenly become inexpensive?
Let me shock y'all by saying "NO" to all of those. (I know, I know, y'all really thought I am a good business woman, didn't you?)

We are here because we reached out to other Christian family and friends for help. And luckily for us, we have some pretty AMAZING friends and family. This is not always the case, trust me. I have seen so many people refused help by their Christian friends and family because... "you shouldn't adopt if you don't have the money". 
(To this I want to say..."you shouldn't buy a house if you don't have the money". But I refrain. Oh, wait, did I just say that...apparently I forgot to refrain.)
Somewhere in our self-sufficient, self-absorbed Christian life we have forgotten the true meaning of giving.  We have forgotten the point of caring for others.  We have forgotten that it takes humility to even ask for one wants to admit that  they can't do it on their own.  We have this idea that if we can go through life never asking anyone for anything, then we are somehow better, because we did it ourselves. We have forgotten that God asked us to care for others needs...

"Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."
2 Corinthians 9:7
"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver."
(PS. He didn't say only give to those who did not ask for help. He didn't say only give when it looks like it was your idea and not theirs.)
Josh and I have been blessed beyond measure during this adoption.  I can't count how many times we have received a donation from someone who learned we were adopting and chose to help.  Did we ask for their help? Yes, we did.  Was it hard to ask?  Yes, it was. Were we blessed? Yes, we were.  Were they?  I sure hope so. Do they know just how much their contribution meant to us? I sure hope so....but if they are still wondering, all I can say is...
"We love each and every one of you from the bottom of our hearts. We are doing what we feel God asked us to do and we can do it because you cared enough to give. THANK YOU!"
Christians! Care! Care enough to help those who are in need!  Even if they asked.